Friday, May 8, 2015

Just Another Week

Well, the last time I posted was right before the Project Fair, and let me tell you, it went great! Everyone seemed really interested in what I had to say and how my project was going. I loved hearing all of the motivational advice and encouragement provided by the parents.

After the Project Fair, I had a lot of motivation to get stuff done. I've watched a couple more ASL videos and have been practicing some more common phrases! In my next post, I'll try to post another video of myself signing something!

This week, however, I've been super duper busy and am now completely exhausted, which is kind of reflecting in this blog post. With everything that's going on, my creativity has been at an all time low, so, sorry for that...

For my next post, like I stated earlier, I will post a video, and my goal is to also watch the movie Children of a Lesser God. The author of the book (I'll Scream Later by Marlee Matlin) I'm reading for our SSR time, is the star of the movie, and I can't wait to see her performance, after learning a little about her experience with the filming.

Here's the trailer for the movie:

I'll be sure to provide a review of the movie after I watch it, too!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I'm sorry you are so tired. Your ambuition forward doesn't reflect that! I found this article, thought you might enjoy:

    1. I love you and our shared obsession of puns.

  2. Great idea for your next post! Is there any way to cut something to keep your 20-Time project from being postponed due to other work? I'm not saying this as a criticism, but in order to continue to do what you love, what can be sacrificed?

  3. You still sound super motivated despite being tired! Way to go!!! I can't wait to hear what you think of Children Of a Lesser God, I love that movie so much!!! I'm really excited to see your signing videos! Do you know anything about ASL grammar? Is it different from ours? I always wonder that, because there are so many resources out there for vocab, but I haven't seen much grammar stuff...
